Dental Exam
An examination that focuses on preventing issues rather than merely addressing them.
Comfortable Cleaning:
A cleaning that is both gentle and thorough.
Does teeth cleaning hurt? The truth is that it shouldn't. You should not experience any discomfort during your dental cleaning. There may, however, be confounding issues. Increased sensitivity can be caused by gum inflammation, tooth decay, and other oral disease symptoms, when probed during the cleaning procedure, this might cause discomfort.
Detecting early indicators of tooth decay and tooth development in adolescents, as well as monitoring general oral health that is not visible to the human eye.
While dental X-rays are usually taken once a year, various factors may affect how often they are taken. These are some of them:
Your current dental health
If your dentist is monitoring a specific issue
History and or symptoms of oral disease
A history of gum disease (gingivitis), bone disease (periodontitis), or tooth decay